Soil pollution consists of pollutants and contaminants. The main pollutants of the soil are the biological agents and some of the human activities. Soil contaminants are all products of soil pollutants that contaminate the soil. Human activities that pollute the soil range from agricultural practices that infest the crops with pesticide chemicals to urban or industrial wastes or radioactive emissions that contaminate the soil with various toxic substances.
Biological Agents
Biological agents work inside the soil to introduce manures and digested sludge (coming from the human, bird and animal excreta) into the soil.
Agricultural Practices
The soil of the crops is polluted to a large extent with pesticides, fertilizers, herbicides, slurry, debris, and manure.
Radioactive Pollutants
Radioactive substances such as Radium, Thorium, Uranium, Nitrogen, etc. can infiltrate the soil and create toxic effects.
Urban Waste
Urban waste consists of garbage and rubbish materials, dried sludge and sewage from domestic and commercial waste.
Industrial Waste
Steel, pesticides, textiles, drugs, glass, cement, petroleum, etc. are produced by paper mills, oil refineries, sugar factories, petroleum industries and others as such.
Examples of the most common and problematic soil pollutants can be found below.
• Lead (Pb)...
Mercury (Hg)...
• Arsenic (As) ...
Copper (Cu)...
• Zinc (Zn)...
• Nickel (Ni) ...
• PAHS (polyaromatic hydrocarbons) ...
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