Chilika is the largest saltwater lake in Asia .
Located in Orissa , whose length is 72 km and width is 25 km and the area is approximately 1000 square kilometre .
Chilika is the home for 158 species of migratory birds and cheelans traditionally importants species .
It offers livelihood to the prepare of 192 villagers which depends on fisheries specially the lobster .
Fishery is the traditional profession of chilika area for many centuries.
Fisherman have the right to fish here from the time of Afghan rules .
Even in the British time , the the right of fisherman were protected by establishing "Federation of fisherman " .
Hence chilika has an inspiring history of fish production , cooperative and rural democracy since ancient times .
In the year 1977 - 1978 chilika becomes a synonym for lobster and money .
Later in 1986 the then State governments decided that 1400 hetars of chilika would be leased to the joint company of Tata and Orissa Government .
This decision was opposed by fisherman and opposite political parties .
However in 1991 the Janta Dal government invited to develop prawns fishing in chilika .
The government ignored the welfare of fisherman as well as the resultant damage to chilika .
This led to the birth of a struggle in 1991.
Fisherman of 192 villagers chilika claimed their right to fish in chilika water under "Fisheries Federation " .
The movement was joined by student and teachers of Utkal University on January 15 1992 .
This struggle in Gopinathpur village transformed into a mass movement i.e.chilika Bachao andolan.
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