Tuesday, 21 September 2021


Vectors are the DNA molecules that carry the gene of interest to be inserted into the host organism .

Example- plasmid 

The plasmid is an autonomously replicating extra chromosomal genetic content present in the bacteria . 

It is different from the chromosomal DNA .

The feature that's are required in a tipical cloning vector are origin of replication  selectable marker cloning site .

Following featured are required for a cloning vector .

Origin of replication known as ori . This is important for replication with in the host cell as well as to maintain the copy number .

Selectable marker to identify transformed cells .

Trans formed cell same those cells which contain gene of interest .

Cloning site - Another important feature of the cloning vector is the presence of specific restriction sites where the enzyme restriction endonucleases make a cut so that a foreign DNA segment may be introduced to the vector . 

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