Monday, 9 August 2021


Depending upon the configuration and orientiation of the body of ovule in relation to funiculus three are 6 types of ovules . 

A- Orthotropous ovule - It is the straight ovule or erect ovule in which micropyle and funicle remain in straight line .

Example - pollygonum , piper 

B - Anatropous ovule - It is invented ovule .In this type of ovule the nucllus is parallel to the funicle and thevmicrophyle and chalaza remain in the stright line . Here the hilum and microphyle lip side by side and are very close to each other .

Example - hibiscus 

C - Hemitropous ovule - The body of the ovule is twisted only half way     so that it at right angle to the funicle 

Example - ranunculus

D - Campylotropous ovule - Here the ovule is horse-shoe shaped and become curved .The funicle is attached .

Example - capparis , brassicaceac

E- Amphitropous ovule - It is a transversely oriented ovule where the embryosac becomes horse-shose shaped . The micropyle is close to funicle .

Example - capsella , papaver , lemma 

F- Circinotropous ovule - The ovule is straight with microphyle facing upwards .The funicle is elongated and get coiled around the ovule .

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