Ovule is an integumented megasporangium which developed in to seed .
A typical angiospermic ovule is oval in shaped and it is present in side the ovary .
In ovary the ovule is attached to a parenchyma tissue called as placenta .
The ovule consist of mainly 2 parts a- ovule body
b - stalk or funicle
Ovules are attached to the placenta of the ovary by their slender stalk and this stalk is called as funiculus or funicle .
The point of attachment i.e. the attachment region of the body of ovule with the funiculus is known asas hilum .
In typical anatropous ovule ovule the part of funicle remains attached beyond the hilum along the body of the ovule forming a ridge called raphe .
The funiculus also containa vascular strand for the supply of nourishment to the ovule .
T he body of the ovule consist of a mass of parenchymatous cells called nucellus . It is diploid and is equivalent to megasporangium .
The nucellus is covered by one or two multicellular covering known as integuments .
Ovules with one integument are called unifeymic where as the ovule with two integument are called bitegmic .
The integument leave a narrow pore at one end of the ovule known as microphyle .
The opposite end to microphyle from where the integument are developed is called as chalaza .
In mature ovule the female gametophyte or embryosac is embedded in the micropylar region of nucellus .
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