Why study this course titled 'Ethics and Values'
To educate a man in mind and not in morals is to educate a menace to society.
(Theodore Roosevelt)
Education is only complete when it leads to all round development of the individual, which encompasses not only mental but also moral development. Moral education, which imbibes ethics and values in students, influences the social thinking of the individual and makes him/ her distinguish between what is right and what is wrong. Moral education is a basic need for modern times where one is fast witnessing a degeneration of moral values. Moral education is important as it teaches diversity, tolerance, mutual respect and pluralistic values.
Moral values are values that express ideas about the good life. As such, concern for the moral virtues, such as honesty, responsibility, and respect for others, is the domain of moral education.
Science young people readily and unconsciously assimilate all types of influences, good or bad, it is important that society provides them with type of education that will make them acquire sound ethical and moral principles, and also develop appropriate attitudes and values that will help them to make good choices and decisions in their adulthood.
Moral education, then, refers to helping students acquire those virtues or moral habits that will help them individually live good lives and at the same time become productive, contributing members of their communities.
The system must be designed as such that the individual at a formative stage should distinguish to differentiate between what is good and what is bad.
There is need to encourage the youth to understand why people do
one thing and not another. They should be able to make choices in order to
become ethically mature adults. They should be assisted to learn how to
take a position and consider facts relevant about a moral issue.
The socio-culture changes like transition from joint family to
nuclear family system, dysfunctional families, excessive competition,
parental expectations, commercialization of education, increased crime
and violence, effect of media and information over-load, misuse of
information technology, globalization, consumerism etc. are putting
immense pressure on individuals, families and societies leading to
distortion and degeneration of values.
Moral values direct us to the right path to lead our lives. Imparting
these from the early days helps one to distinguish between right and
wrong. These values involve factors like loving others, helping others,
respecting others, morality, honesty etc.
The benefits of 'Ethics and Values' Education are:
It helps one to distinguish between right and wrong.
It gets reflects in one's personality; aiming at holistic development
of a person.
It makes the youth aware of eroding values and helps in wiping out
bad influences in the society like violence, crimes, agitations,
child abuse, disregarding women etc.
It helps in building self- confidence, motivation and a positive
approach to things; also helps in ensuring harmony and peace with
It helps in finding out the true purpose of life and motivates one to
be dedicated, unselfish, loving and caring for others.
It leads to an education that connects heart, head and hand; thus
improves the quality of education.
It leads to an understanding of interdependence between family,
society, nation and the world; helps in developing a pro-active
social conscience amongst the youth and thus creates a balance
between the youth and their community.SEMESTER-I
Title: - Issues Relating to Women
Total no. of Periods-15
Full mark-25
Credit point -1
1.0 Aims of the Unit:
• The module aims to generate a sensitivity among the students
towards women.
Enable them to value the contributions of women, from family
to the larger society.
• To generate among them a distinct urge to respect women
• To appreciate that women should have equal status and equal
entitlements as member of the society.
Learning Objectives:
After going through the contents of the module and the classroom
transactions on the contents, the students are expected to
Have changes in their perceptions and practices towards
• Develop proper attitude towards women and value their work
and contribution.
• Come forward to challenge the unethical treatments against
• End gender based hierarchy and hegemony, remove the
feeling that women are counter to men and bring about a
complementarity among the hitherto existing gender binary.