Wednesday, 29 September 2021


Human beings are evolved 1 million years ago . It is proved by fossil records .

1- Parapithecus - It is an oligocene fossil . It was excavated from Fayum province of Egypt . The animal has size of squirrel . It is believed to the ancestors of old monkey .

2- Aegyptopithecus - It is also a fossil from Egypt . It is larger in size . It is considered as forerunners of dryoithecus .

3- Dryopithecus - It is a myocene fossil . It is common ancestors to human and ape .

4- Ramapithecus - It is a fossil of later miocene and pliocene epoch. It  was an earliest man like primate . The fossil is reported from Africa .

5- Austalopithecus - It is commonly called southern ape or first man ape . It is evolved about 1-4 million years ago . Brain size is larged than body size . It was excavated from lime stone of Africa .

6- Homohabilus - It is an early true man . It had bipedal locomotion . It is the stone tool maker .

7- Homoerecttus - It evolved about 0.25 - 1.7 million years ago . It walked erect over long legs . It used stone and bone tools , fire, etc e. g. Java man .

 8- Homo sapiens - It is evolved from homo erectus in Africa about 5 lakh years ago . It includes Neanderthal man Cro-mangnon    

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