Biopiracy is theft or robbery of biological entities or thir products from a country with patent right .
Exploitation of biological resources or their products without proper authorisation from the concerned country is called biopiracy .
Th main purpose of biopiracy is unlawful high economic gain .
Examples of biopiracy
1- Biopiracy of African super sweet berries
Pentadiplandra brazzein is a plant found in the west of south Africa . It is a vital source of protein known as Brazzein . Here , people use it as a low calori sweetener .It is known to be two thousand times sweeter then sugar .Recent developments includes isolation of the gene encoding brazzein that has been equenced and patented in the USE .
2- Patenting of Azadiracta indica Neem since ancient times neem has proved to be useful in several ways . Indians have shared their knowledge regarding neem across the globe .In the year 1994 US department of agriculture and an american company - W.R. Grace riceved a European patent that included various methods that are used for controlling fungal infection in plants by using a composition extracted from neem .
3- Biopiracy of the Enola bean - It was named after the wife of Larry proctor , who patented it in 1999 .Enola bean is a variety of Mexican yellow bean . Farmers in North Mexico depended on sales of this bean .The patent holder subsequently side a large number of importers of Mexican yellow beans .As a result it caused an economic damage to farmers .A lawsuit was filed by farmers and the result was in farmers as ruled by U.S. patent and trademark office .
4- The rose Periwinkle - The rosy periwinkle was originally found in Madagascar Now , it has been introduced to several other tropical countries across the globe .This implements that researchers can obtain know ledge from one nation and plant samples in other nation .
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