Monday, 13 September 2021


Such methods do not require any device or medicine . It simply works on the principle of avoiding changes of ovum and sperm meeting . This is of following there types 

I- Rhythmic Method or Periodic Abstinence 

 In this the couples avoid or abstain from coitus from 10th to 17th day of menstrual cycle as chances of fertilization are very high during this period because ovulation occurs .

II- With Drawl Method 

It which the penis is with drawn from the vagina before ejaculation .

Thus if insemination is avoided then there is no chance of pregnancy .

III- Lactational Amenorrhea Method 

It is based on the fact that just after the delivery of the baby there is no menstruation and is treated as the phase of intense lactation .

Therefore as long as breast feeding of the baby continues there is no chance of conception .

The lactational amenorrhea method is known to be effective only up to a period of six months after parturition .


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