Friday, 27 August 2021


 It is most common type of zoophily where the pollination is carried out through the agency of insects like- moths , butterflies , wasps , bees ,etc .

The flower are called as entomophilous flowers they show following characteristics -

Flower are generally large if small they become conspicuous by their grouping .

They are showy or brightly coloured .

Where petals are not conspicuous other parts becomes show 

Example- Bract- Bougainvillea

                 Leaves- Euphorbia palcherrima

                Sepal - Mussuenda

                Stamen - Mimosa

Flowers contain nectar glands and pleasant fragnonce to attract insects.

These is no wastage of pollen grains so less number of  pollen grains are produced .

The pollen grains are spiny , heavy and surrounded by a yellow oily sticky substance called pollen kit .

The stamens are inserted .

Stigmas are often inserted , sticky ,unbranched etc .

Example - Minoso- touch me not

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