Thursday, 19 August 2021


Endosperm is a nutritive tissue and contain many reserve food materials for the developing embryo .

Usually endosperm formation begins before embryo development .

The primary endosperm nucleus resulted from triple fusion divides repeatedly to form the endosperm .

So in  angiosperm is a post fertilization product and it is triploid .

But in gymnosperm the endosperm is pre-fertilized product and it is haploid 


Depending upon the mode of its formation angiospermic endosperm is of three types are 

1- Nuclear Endosperm 

In this type of endosperm the nucleus of primary endosperm cell under goes repeated division with out being accompanied by wall formation  .

The free nuclei are then arranged at the periphery leaving a large vacuole at the center .

Cytokinesis may begin later and proceed from the periphery to center .

It is the most common type of endosperm and found in wheat ,maize , rice , sunflower etc.

So endosperm of coconut is very unique because it contain both type of endosperm i.e. nuclear , cellular.

2- Cellular Endosperm 

In this type of endosperm each and every division of the primary endosperm nucleus is followed by cytokinesis or wall formation .

The division of usually transverse but it may be vertical or oblique .

Example - datuna petunia ,peperomia etc

3- Helobial Endosperm

This type of endosperm is a intermediate type between cellular and nuclear types .

Here the first nuclear division of primary endosperm nucleus is follwed by transverse cytokinesis forming two unequal cells .

Subsequent division in both the cell are free- nuclear .

Helobial endosperm is seen is the members belonging to order helobiales of monocots.

Example- Asphodelus

So the endosperm becomes cellular from the every beginning . 

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